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Te dhenat personale/Personal data

Alb - Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania, Ju falenderon qe keni vendosur te vizitoni faqen tone te internetit dhe jeni te interesuar per kompanine tone. Ne e trajtojme seriozisht mbrojtjen e te dhenave tuaja personale dhe perpiqemi te bejme sa me praktike dhe te sigurte viziten ne WEB-faqen tone. Ne kete faqe jane publikuar disa nga aspektet e trajtimit te te dhenave. Nese deshironi te lexoni rregulloren e plote te adoptuar nga Modus sh.p.k. lutem klikoni ketu: Rregullore.

Eng - Modus sh.p.k./
TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania. Thank you for deciding to visit our website and for being interested in our company. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and try to make our visit to our site practical and secure. On this page are published some of the aspects of data processing. If you want to read the full regulation adopted by Modus sh.p.k. please click here: Regulations.

Te Pergjithshme/General

Alb- Duke

- Derguar te dhenat tuaja personale ne databazen tone,

- Vizituar Web Site

Ju keni pranuar paraprakisht kushtet e aplikuara parashikuar sipas LIGJ Nr.9887, datë 10.3.2008, te Republikes se Shqiperise, mbi 'Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale, implementuar nga Modus sh.p.k. sikurse ne nenet me poshte:

Eng- By

- Sending your personal data to our database,

- Visiting Web Site

You have previously accepted the applied conditions provided by LAW No.9887, dated 10.3.2008, of the Republic of Albania, on 'Personal Data Protection, implemented by Modus sh.p.k. as in the following articles:

Marrja dhe procesimi i te dhenave personale/Acquisition and processing of personal data

Alb - Ju mund te vizitoni faqet e Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albaniapa dhene informacione per veten tuaj.

Te dhenat personale merren vetem nese ju na i jepni ato, per shembull: kur regjistroheni, kur plotesoni formen e kontaktit, kur na dergoni e-mail, kur merrni pjese ne nje ankete ose lidhni nje kontrate.


You can visit the websites of Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania without giving any information about yourself.

Personal data is taken only if you provide it to us, for example: when you register, when you fill out the contact form, when you send us an e-mail, when you participate in a survey or stipulate a contract

Perdorimi dhe transferimi i te dhenave personale/Using and transferring personal data

Alb - Te gjitha te dhenat personale te grumbulluara, pjese te sherbimeve te drejtperdrejta te internetit te ofruara nga Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania do te merren, perpunohen dhe perdoren sipas ligjeve/rregulloreve perkatese ne fuqi ne Republiken e Shqiperise, qe disiplinojne mbrojtjen e te dhenave personale me qellimin e vetem te manaxhimit te kontratave dhe ruajtja e interesave te perbashketa te biznesit ne lidhje me konsultimin, mbeshtetjen e klienteve dhe interesat e perbashketa. 

Eng - All personal data accumulated, part of the direct Internet services provided by Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania will be acquired, processed, and used according to the respective applicable regulations  in Republic of Albania, governing the protection of personal data for the sole purpose of managing contracts and maintaining our own legitimate business interests in terms of consulting and supporting or our customers and common interests

Deklarata e pelqimit/Declaration of consent

Alb - Duke perdorur faqet tona te internetit dhe sherbimet e perfshira ne to, ju shprehni pelqimin tuaj per te na lejuar te ruajme te dhenat personale qe ju keni dhene vullnetarisht dhe t'i perpunojme dhe t'i perdorim ato ne perputhje me kete politike te privatesise.


Eng - By using our websites and the services contained therein, you express your consent to allow us to store the personal data that you voluntarily supplied and process and use it in accordance with this privacy policy.

E drejta e informimit / Drejtoria publike e procedurave//Right to information / Public directory of procedures

Alb - Sipas Ligjit per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale, ju keni te drejten e pakufizuar per te kerkuar informacion ne lidhje me te dhenat tuaja personale te ruajtura nga sistemi yne pa pagese, dhe gjithashtu keni te drejte te fshini ose bllokoni te dhena te ndaluara dhe te korrigjoni te dhenat e pasakta, nese ka.
Me kerkese, ne do t'ju ofrojme me kenaqesi nje njoftim me shkrim nese dhe cilat nga te dhenat tuaja personale kemi ruajtur. Nese eshte e mundur, ne do te marrim masat e duhura per te perditesuar ose korrigjuar te dhenat, brenda nje njoftimi te shkurter, nga sistemi yne. Ne keto raste, ju lutemi kontaktoni perfaqesuesin tone per mbrojtjen e te dhenave.
Ne kemi pershtatur  informacionin sipas Ligjit per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale.

Eng - Under the Personal Data Protection Act, you have the unrestricted right to request information about your personal data stored by our system free of charge, and you also have the right to delete or block prohibited data and to correct it. inaccurate data, if any. Upon request, we will gladly provide you with a written notice if and which of your personal data we have stored. If possible, we will take the appropriate steps to update or correct the data, within a short notice, from our system. In these cases, please contact our data protection representative. We have adapted the information according to the Law on Personal Data Protection.


Alb - Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania zbaton masat teknike dhe organizative te sigurise sipas Ligjit per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale per te mbrojtur te dhenat tuaja qe ne i manaxhojme kunder manipulimit, humbjes ose shkaterrimit te paqellimshem ose te qellimshem dhe kunder aksesit nga persona te paautorizuar. Masat tona te sigurise permiresohen vazhdimisht ne perputhje me perparimin teknologjik. Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albaniaruan informacionin perkates per mbrojtjen e te dhenave vetem ne sistemet e sigurta te vendosura ne Gjermani. Vetem pak persona te autorizuar dhe persona te angazhuar per mbrojtjen e thjeshte te te dhenave, te cilet jane te perfshire ne mbikqyrjen teknike, administrative ose redaktuese te te dhenave, mund te kene akses ne keto te dhena.


Eng - Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania implements technical and organizational security measures according to the Personal Data Protection Law to protect your data that we manage against manipulation, loss or accidental or intentional destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are constantly improved in line with technological progress. Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania stores information related to data protection only in secure systems located in Germany. Only a few authorized persons and persons engaged for the simple protection of the data, who are involved in the technical, administrative or editorial supervision of the data, may have access to this data.

Informacion statistikor/Statistical information

Alb - Per te mbajtur faqen tone te internetit te perditesuar dhe per te kuptuar interesat e perdoruesit, ne mbledhim informacion statistikor, per  numrin e vizitoreve, ofruesin e internetit, Shteti nga kryhet kontakti.  Ky informacion perdoret ekskluzivisht per qellime te brendshme dhe nuk ka te beje me te dhena vetjake.


Eng - To keep our website up to date and to understand the interests of the user, we collect statistical information on the number of visitors, the internet provider, the country from which the contact is made. This information is used exclusively for internal purposes and is not related to personal data.

Politikat e Cookies/Cookies use and Policy

Alb - Ne nuk perdorim Cookies. Ne perdorim sisteme te analizes se faqes, ne menyre qe te rrisim lexueshmerine dhe eficencen.


Eng - We do not use cookies. We use the web analysis system with the goal of increasing our website's efficiency and readability.

Faqet ne gjuhe te huaj/Foreign language pages

Alb - Perderisa pjese te kesaj faqeje interneti ofrohen ne gjuhe te tjera perveç Shqipes, kjo perben vetem nje sherbim kortezie per punonjesit, klientet dhe palet e tjera te interesuara ne Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania qe nuk flasin gjuhen shqipe.


Eng - In so far as parts of this website are offered in languages other than Albanian, this only constitutes a curtesy service for employees, clients and other stakeholders in Modus sh.p.k./TÜV NORD Bulgaria Business Partner in Albania / TÜV NORD Official Cooperation Partner in Albania who do not speak the Albanian language.

Pergjegjesi i te dhenave personale/ Data protection representative

Alb - Nese keni ndonje pyetje ne lidhje me perpunimin e te dhenave tuaja personale, mund te kontaktoni drejtperdrejt perfaqesuesit tane per mbrojtjen e te dhenave; ata gjithashtu mund t'ju ndihmojne me kerkesat per informacion, aplikimet ose ankesat.

Perfaqesuesi per mbrojtjen e te dhenave: Znj. Anisa Pazaj.


Eng - If you have any questions concerning the processing of your personal data, you can contact our representatives for data protection directly; they can also help you with information requests, applications, or complaints:

Data protection representative: Mrs. Anisa Pazaj.


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